July 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
ICTF Board Meeting Tuesday, July 27th
Call to Order: Brenda Stanley called the meeting to order at 9:12 AM.
Board Members in Attendance: Charlotte Watters, Jen Haddad (virtually), Richard Jurvelin, Dahlia Stender, Cheryl George, Jill Andrus, Shannon Dunstan, Brenda Stanley, Janet Goodlife, Robin Allen
Staff in Attendance: Taber Martin, Roger Sherman, Taryn Yates
Motion to approve April meeting minutes: Cheryl George motions, Jill Andrus seconds.
Motion to consent agenda: Cheryl George motions, Shannon Dunstan seconds.
Urgent Needs Grant Discussion and approval: Board decided to spend $125,000-135,000 on funding our Urgent Needs Grant Cycle. The board used geographic equity and quality scoring for all decisions regarding applicants. The board voted to fund the following grants by region:
Region 1:
Family Promise of North Idaho- $5,000
Imagination Initiative- $3,000
The Family Guide- $5,000
St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho- $5,000
Children’s Village- $5,000
Region 2:
Nez Perce Tribe Child Support- $5,000
YWCA- $5,000
Homes of Hope- $5,000
Upriver Youth- $5,000
Region 3:
Breaking Chains Academy- $5,000
Marsing School District- $5,000
Nampa School District- $5,000
Region 4:
Treasure Valley YMCA- $5,000
Catholic Charities of Idaho- $5,000
Giraffe Laugh- $5,000
Jesse Tree- $5,000
Girls on the Run- $5,000
Family Advocates- $5,000
Office Moms and Dads- $5,000
Readers Theatre Works- $5,000
Region 5:
The Advocates- $5,000
Volunteers Against Violence- $5,000
Murtaugh School District- $5,000
Region 6:
Bannock Youth Foundation- $5,000
Valley Mission- $5,000
Region 7:
The Giving Cupboard- $5,000
Clark County- $5,000
Mackay Idaho- $3,000
Total Amount to be funded: $136,000
Motion to Approve Funding Urgent Needs Grants Listed Above: Richard Jurvelin motions, Janet Goodliffe seconds.
Adjourn For lunch and Laurel York Odell begins facilitating.
Meeting Adjourned for day at 4:15
Motion to adjourn: Richard Jurvelin motions, Janet Goodliffe seconds
Brenda Stanley Called the meeting to order at 8:40 AM.
Motion to Adjourn Meeting at 11:50 AM: Richard Jurvelin motions, Janet Goodliffe seconds