October 2021 special meeting minutes
ICTF Special Board Meeting October 4th 2021
Call to Order: Brenda Stanley called the meeting to order at 11:04 am
Board Members in Attendance: Charlotte Watters, Jen Haddad, Richard Jurvelin, Dahlia Stender, Cheryl George, Janet Goodliffe, Robin Allen
Staff in Attendance: Taber Martin, Roger Sherman, Kim Hemmert
Motion to hire 2 field staff positions at the part time, temporary guidelines: Cheryl George motions, Jen Haddad seconds.
Roger will work on getting these positions ready for posting and discussion by October 28.
Motion to approve the maximum annual grant funding to $7,500: Cheryl George motions, Richard Jurvelin second.
Brenda Stanley adjourned the meeting at 11:40 a.m.